What is freelancing?
So I have this friend (I really mean friend, it’s not me, I’m not that clever) who had A terrible job. It overworked while it also underpaid, and that’s a bad combo for anyone. But he had been with this employer for several years and finally threw in the towel when things reach a either hit me or walk climax. A job here and there led to no positive outcome until one day one of neighbors asked if he could look at her computer. She was elderly and had not much expertise with that sort of thing. My friend on the other hand, while no expert knew more than the average, and from his view all fixes we’re relatively simple. He didn’t realize it than but he had just found his first client. Freelance is the practice where an individual is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term.

So you might be wondering why anyone would give up a guaranteed paycheck for a slim to nothing chance? It’s a fair question, only there are a few assumptions. The first is that there is a guarantee to begin with, the next is that it’s a slim to nothing chance. What more and more of the workforce is learning is the guarantee is a lie. Plan on giving a company 30 years of loyalty only to be let go at 25. Now I’ll be the first to agree that freelancing isn’t the easiest thing to do and making a living with it won’t be a walk in the park, however I believe more if capable than they know. My friend had a marketable skill that he leverage to get work. He got clients to refer him to more clients by word of mouth advertising his skill and he reputation not to overcharge (that matters).
- Free resources
So you might be slightly interested by this point but know if you have any “marketable skills” to utilize. You might be surprised at what passes as marketable. Anything someone is willing to pay for is in play, (we’re keeping it legal, you get caught I know nothing). Seriously we’re living in a time where there’s a man making in a month what most don’t get in a year playing video games. That’s no joke he’s name is ninja. In any case if you don’t have a skill or it’s underdeveloped than the device that your reading this on holds a mountain of free resources. YouTube itself is more of a college than most universities, (that article will be coming later), education is out there and an audience/clients desiring what you know and what you can do.
- Future
This was hinted at earlier but one of the main motivations for self-employment is future planning. Making sure yourself and your family have a roof over your head. Making the most of your skills regardless if you use corporate or freelance for yourself is smart planning, and those who don’t plan plan to fail. This is true even if you have no family because ultimately no one is going to care about your golden years like you.
- Dream/Passion
How about this for a reason, you really want to. That’s got to be one of the most realist reason for embarking on this, is simply passion and nowhere else to go with it. Maybe your artist but never dreamed yeah you’re simple pencil and paper could earn a living, you be surprised. Maybe you really like photography but don’t sink you can start without $1,000 camera, start with the phone in your hand and go for it. Maybe you’re actor, a mechanic, a painter or just somebody with a dream. I’ll tell you something that’s not a secret, put a wheel with a dream I have some hard work and you’ve got reality.
- Why not?
You still need a reason, seriously? Or is it because you’re afraid? Worse things in life or what we don’t do writers in the dreams we failed at. I’m not telling you to quit your day job just yet or ever, perhaps you should start this as a side hustle turn extra income. Diverse income is what makes the wealthy rich. But start on something oh, let it grow you never know what it might become unless you give it a good old College Dropout try. So what’s the reason you should freelance? I say why not?
Freelancing areas