Is God Is like your phone?

Relax I’m a millennial

It’s a silly question I know but seriously can God reach us if we’re always plunged in? Don’t worry I’m not going to  hit you with the “in my day we didn’t have cell phones. We talked to each other in person, and we walked 10 miles in snow, worked 30 hrs a day, and top it off we said yes sir no sir after we paid a quarter a gallon for gas”. Sorry had to go there, but seriously I grew up with a lot of this same technology that everywhere now. I’m one of the older millennials so I remember when cell phones were becoming a thing.  It was 6th grad when two of my classmates showed of their new cell phones, I remember thinking “who are y’all going to call?”. Fast forward now where everyone has these devices in hand. Full disclosure half of this article has been written on a smartphone. It’s a small thing that acts as a medium to connect us with each other. Which is amazing in itself, this week alone I’ve communicated with people and over three continents. That wouldn’t been so easy a few decades ago, was this is not so much a history lesson as it is a human lesson.

This is sort of  of an embarrassing story

This is sort of  of an embarrassing story, but since those are the best kinds let get into it.  For a few months my mother was without a car so every morning I would pick her up and go to work where I would be dropped off and she would have use of my car for the day. On one particular morning as i went in to work I noticed I had left my cell phone in the car. By the time I realized this it was too late. I was stuck without a phone, without a connection. That day day was horabble, no phone calls, messages, music, facebook, internet  nothing! I could feel the seconds tick away. This lasted for all of seven hours. Afterwords I had to come to terms with I’m not as mature as I thought I was. Something so small but could cause so much grief. In a way it makes since, I felt a lost in connection and therefore felt miserable. We as humans were made to connect with each other as well as with God. Now I felt the slight disconnection from people but if God were to withdraw his presence would I even know?

….our greatest need

Before He was taken away Jesus  prayed in such agony that his sweat was like blood. I’ve heard some critic this as though Jesus knows he will suffer and die and yet rise again then why is he in agony? Like most I’ve not discounted that Jesus was fully given the human experience and felt all the emotions that comes from being human. But something else stood out to me, the separation that was coming between Christ and Father God would add to the agony. More than the physical torture that lie  ahead. While on the cross Jesus took our sin upon himself, it was in that moment that Father God looked away and Jesus for the first time in existence felt the disconnection immediately. It begs the question then, isn’t that the kind of relationship we should long for? To be in such unity with our God that the slightest break in unity we would feel it? Something to hope for or better yet to strive for. God can speak to us through whatever means he chooses yet ultimately there should never be a barrier if one of those means is lost. Most of us (humans) live lives separated from God and we go day to day never noticing how lost we really are.

However that denial falls apart when the gospel teaches us the truth. That we are desperate even if we’re smiling. That a relationship with our creator is our greatest need and most ignored one.

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Post Author: Stephen