Artist Or Illustrator ?

Generally, an artist is an all-round person who creates practices and demonstrates fine art communicating his thoughts, feelings, and ideas in addition to that, art is the final outcome giving voice to the artist’s innovative, imaginary and wary ideas.  Artists show a preference for distinctive work of fine art of which some are sold and most are for pleasure or memories.

On the other hand, an illustrator is a person who generates images, by and large, to come up with a visual artist’s impression that conforms to the content of the incorporated text or visualization creating an illustration. The illustration is the art of putting together images that ply with something and cast up to it or without disconcerting whatever they are going to illustrate. Most often an illustrator designs images for proclamation such as in this case children’s books and magazines also for profit-oriented products such as calendars and gift cards.

From the above information we can now tell their difference which mainly are;

  • An Artist creates something in hope of selling it while an Illustrator first gets the job and tries to satisfy his customers’ needs which in the end he gets paid.
  • An Illustrator provides and creates an illustration from someone else’s ideas for example how a certain product may be used by customers while an Artist creates Art from his own imagination.
  • An Illustration is more often than not meant to decode text which mostly goes hand in hand with the piece while art is primarily an expression that might or might not have an input on the viewer.
  • Illustrations tend to lose their value once their sole purpose and capability related to it, is casted-off while on the other hand, Art has no absolute purpose since it wholly presents itself.
  • More often than not Illustrators are usually hired to create specific artwork for their clients for different purposes and events whilst artists do not have specific artworks to work on, they generally commission themselves to do their own projects with no supervision and no deadlines.
  • Illustrators are given limited spaces for their illustrations for example children comic books or even book covers while artists can carry out their panting anywhere, from a small piece of paper to a whole lock on the streets with no restrictions whatsoever.
  • Illustrations are sometimes used as a reflection on certain actions like using extra special services while art serves as a solid decoration since its value exclusively relies on the buyer’s views
  • Illustrations are a design process, well this gives them a purpose but a piece of art has no major purpose, its value derives from its uniqueness
  • It is safe to state that, when an Illustrator is hired, he is to do referencing images and making scenes to a customer’s satisfaction and all this makes illustration work for others, their ideas and wants and art is for you because it is a medium where you express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
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Post Author: Stephen