I suppose I should just come out and say it; I’m a nerd. Through and through, surprised? Or don’t care? Well, I figured I told you as much to prepare you for what’s coming.
So I’m watching My hero Academia, and one of the character’s character growth has me intrigued. Admittedly when I first was introduced to Endeavor, I didn’t know where to place him. Technically he was a hero by trade and very high ranked; however, his actions left much to be desired. Very Ambitious In the most selfish way, Early on, we’re shown him to be a negligent father and an abusive husband. The furthest thing from a role model that I could care for.
But then something happens that’s most unexpected; he gets what he wants. It’s about the show where we’re shown that he has a long desire to surpass his longtime rival All Might Going as far as to buy his wife to give birth to a child powerful enough to meet that end. That child turns out to be his youngest and fourth child, focusing almost all his attention on him. He creates a painful and resentful relationship between himself and the rest of his family. When All might retire, Endeavor is the main number one by default. Wish fulfilled most disappointingly. There’s much to this growth, but the most interesting to me is his attempts at repairing his family. During this season (season 5), we’re shown further Instances of his trespasses. One line caught my attention especially. After a near-death battle, Endeavor has dinner with his children, something I imagine is rare. It doesn’t last long as the oldest son present gives emotional outbursts and says
…. You may have had a change of heart, but you can’t waltz in here and think, well accept you how discussing can you be!
He’s quiet at first, and then Endeavor replies: I plan to be your father now and atone for what I did.
It was one sentence but it made me cheer for the character more than I did before. Now I’m always a sucker for a redemption story, but still, full ownership of the wrong he did and dedication to making up for it was more exciting than the fight that happened the episode before (and that fight was so cool, by the way). Perhaps the scene was so moving because it’s very relevant to our situation. I’ve witnessed several come to know Christ and begin to follow after him and attempt to make better choices. Only to feel the push back from loved ones they harmed prior. This can be discouraging for many, and indeed there can be a temptation to stop all progress if, for every step, you are reminded of all your past failures.
After all, you’re forgiven now right, so why does nobody give you credit for all the progress you’ve made? Well, if you’ve asked yourself that question at least once, then you’ve probably known the answer already or know a good amount of it. I’m not going to be able to sum up, all the reasons humans fight reconciliation; part of the reason I believe is for protection. Interesting enough, protection from further harm is that often I think there is a desire to trust again behind the anger. There’s no easy way around it, and there are no guarantees, but like many things, trust must be earned, Particularly when it was lost.
The show continues to show the struggling relationship Endeavor has with his family as well as his persistence to repair and heal, and I’m here for it.