TERMINUS MEDIA reminds us why comic cons are still important. 

Comic book conventions are a place where comic book fans can meet their favorite writers, artists, and actors. They also provide an opportunity for aspiring comic book artists to get feedback on their work.

It is no surprise that comic book conventions have become one of the world’s most famous pop culture events. Comic books and graphic novels have never been more popular than they are right now. The number of comic book conventions has increased exponentially over the last few decades, with some events attracting hundreds of thousands of attendees yearly.

Terminus media made its debut at SDCC and Capital City Comic Con displaying the first three issues of the Dominion series and promoting the highly anticipated issue 4. The team went on the ComicsandtheCross podcast and discussed the importance of having good art and story and getting out in the world. Stating, “We can have the best product in the world, but if nobody knows about it then……”. It seems out of date, but person-to-person contact is the best way to advertise an idea (weird, right). Not to say that online advertising is dead, far from it. Your reach can only go so far. However, an excellent social media ad is it pales in comparison next to a smiling face that’s excited you walked up the table. 

According to the team TERMINUS MEDIA, aside from the display issues, they sold out of the inventory, indicating an excellent issue for the indie graphic. On the podcast, Dr bell had this to say “

The Lord has allowed us to graciously have these gifts and abilities….we need to hustle we need to work hard…expand the base and I really see the proposition of growth as one person at a time it’s relationship-building. 

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Post Author: Stephen