I’m going to throw you into a weird scenario. Let’s say you’re on your way to work and let’s say you work at a bank. You are a little late and kind of annoyed because you just know your manager is going to say something. You get there, you clock in, you already have a counter-speech prepared for the boss when that inevitable “let me see you in my office” line comes your way. Your so caught up in thought that you don’t realize that all your coworkers have their hands raised church style. Except your not in the sanctuary and as cool as it would be you don’t think is a reveal. They look at you dumbfounded, they’re not saying anything but you can tell their inward thoughts are screaming “idiot” at you. You’re confused and so are the bank robbers with guns pointed to your coworkers, guns that are now pointed in your direction.
Five seconds later you assume the position with Ryan, Susan, and the rest. Things are going less than okay until you hear a crash from the front, everyone is stunned including the armed gunman, you see a flash from one end of the room to other but just barely. The guns vanish from their hands, something black hits the head of one of the men. Smoke envelopes the room followed by screams and grunts. When the smoke clears two figures stand tall. Is that…Batman? Oh wow, you didn’t even realize you woke up in this universe! And is that… yeah, it’s the Flash! This is officially the best day..wait…that’s more yellow in the costume than you remember. Oh, that’s because its Kid Flash which would indicate that the other is yep, grown-up Robin; Nightwing or something.

Fear not citizens! Kid flash says with a grin and thumbs up in your direction. He’s already tied up the bank robbers just in time to give a high five to Nightwing. Yeah we got this Nightwing say arms folded with one foot of the unconscious robber. Your eyes dart to the left and then the right, until you finally break the awkward silence with “So where are they?”
“What do you mean?” Nightwing says while sharing a confused look with Kid Flash. Looking back at your co-workers who just averted their eyes from the situation you decide to press your luck “You know the pros”
“You’re looking at them!” Kid Flash chest puffed out pointing to the thunderbolt on said chest. Again you don’t hear the not so subtle coughs from behind indicating for you to back off of the very people who saved your life you make that hole you’re in a little deeper “Naw I mean the big dogs. I mean y’all straight and all but are y’all even allowed to do this by yourselves?” Flash and Nightwing: We are not sidekicks!

And we’re back to reality only the message is the same. Made by two artists from different labels Scott Simms and Mike Real. Both on labels with Chh legends such as K-Drama and Flame. If I’m honest, I will admit that particular thought was present before the concert. Totally sub-conscious, but if I examined artist I’ve listened to over the years I find that I have been quietly putting people in their own category based upon popularity alone. I did the same with Trip Lee and didn’t give his solo projects a shot, and that was most definitely a mistake. There have been others that I have put in the”sidekick” slot who based on talent alone should have rose through the ranks. Unfortunately I fell in the popularity trap mindset, where skill, talent, and not to mention hard work were second to click through rate. How many followers do you have, is your song on the radio, and who is your co-sign? All bad metrics considering we’re talking about music which I consider spiritual food, not to get to deep but these shows have me examining my “diet” as you will. So do yourself a favor and go through your playlist, is there anybody you’ve been overlooking? You just might find legends in the making.