Vegeta, a character from the renowned Dragon Ball series, who many of us know as regal, egotistical, and a lump of pride. The character who changes from a villain to an anti-hero, then to a hero. It won’t be an exaggeration if one calls him ‘The best written Dragon Ball character’. Vegeta’s journey throughout Dragon […]
Author: Stephen
New TV Show Wingfeather Saga, Promises to Delight Adults and Kids Alike
By: Michael Brown Parents and kids who are hungry for high-quality faith and family entertainment are often disappointed. Between pastors attempting to transition into the role of film auteurs to projects whose conceit just seems to baffle anyone familiar with even mediocre filmmaking, it sometimes seems like we’ll all be spending our free time switching […]
A man edits the Naruto Series so his girlfriend can watch
Like they say, Love is the birth of ingenuity. Well, they don’t really say it but let’s just go with it. In this time and era, you’ve probably heard countless stories of grand and romantic gestures. A gesture that means to show one’s grand love for his partner. A YouTuber, who goes by the name […]
TERMINUS MEDIA reminds us why comic cons are still important.
Comic book conventions are a place where comic book fans can meet their favorite writers, artists, and actors. They also provide an opportunity for aspiring comic book artists to get feedback on their work. It is no surprise that comic book conventions have become one of the world’s most famous pop culture events. Comic books […]
Dragon Ball Fan Animation takes the internet by storm
“Every kid that believed they could train in 100 times earth’s gravity, and to every artist that taped Dragon ball Z to draw their favorite heroes…accept this as a token of gratitude” – Naseer Pasha (Artist and Director). Recently, a fan animation on the most renowned and loved series, Dragon Ball, was released, and it […]
Goat Anime Characters: Father’s Day Special
“He adopted a role called being a father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a protector.” _Tom Wolfe. It’s always easy for one to have a good bonding with his mother, but when it comes to fathers, it can get a lot more complicated. Yet, there are countless fathers out […]
Casting God?
We all have a challenging time representing God at any given moment. Some of us feel inadequate, or too small to represent such a Big and awesome God. What if you say something our Heavenly Father might not really be pleased with? These questions go through our minds all the time. But now, portraying God […]
10 anime villains we love and why
Throughout the history of media and entertainment, we have been taught to support the good guys and condemn the bad ones. And that was the obvious choice for most people, since the heroes had all the cool powers and character development. But this tend has changed since the popularization of anime and other modern media. […]
The Most Lovable Anime Moms
“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” _Mitch Albom. Mitch said it, no love purer than that of a mother. A mother is one, if not the most important character in one’s life. Everything a child grows up into has a strong […]
Eren Vs Itachi
A Comparison It’s said that “Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.”And something just like that summarizes the tragic life of both Itachi and Eren. This saying, in my opinion, connects the two characters to a much deeper level. And yet, the legacy of these two amazing characters […]